— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 70 - ] Comment quote №36024
XXXX: Fucking hurt the pepper. I have to go to the hospital.
and so on :(
SSS: I’m afraid to clarify... to the pectologist?

[ + 50 - ] Comment quote №36023
Repeat the old equipment. It is necessary to write down what was folded in the basement in one bush of metal "black" (as later became clear). I haven’t woke up since morning, but it’s Monday. I didn’t really get into the matter, and the main discussion was on Friday. Talk to the boss (N), I will come in the morning:
I: Good morning
N is translated. You remember having to make a large bunch in the basement (and shows in your height)
I: Oh, I’m not going to do so much alone!
N: Fuck, a bunch of written technology!
And only after that, under the general rubber of the department, came up what he...

[ + 61 - ] Comment quote №36022
The Perfect World. Discuss the size of the breast:
Dubonus: 18 years and 4 sizes?? to
Dubonus: little to believe, but it sounds great ))

[ + 59 - ] Comment quote №36021
Skatenok (18:33:30 13/09/2010)
How about Katy?

Joker (18:35:03 13/09/2010)
The whole brain has already eaten.))) See there substances necessary for recovery

[ + 61 - ] Comment quote №36020
Conversation of a boy (p) with a girl (d)...
D: And what hell do you argue with me? you have to agree with me in everything!
Q: Yes my dear!
I like it!I love it!I love it!I love it.
Q:Em...and what should I say: "Yes, Dear?and "

[ + 65 - ] Comment quote №36019
WeSeeJḳbḳb/ (22:02:29 14/09/2010)
Well, this is real chess b comp she didn’t have a telecome you did?
SERGant (22:02:48 14/09/2010)
I would be happy in the fifth grade.

[ + 65 - ] Comment quote №36018
When does the zodiac sign change closest to us?
I don’t know, but why you?
Sosa: I’m just corresponding with one girl here, and she only contacts when she changes the zodiac sign and only for two hours.
liten_hjort: about the Zodiac Internet?
Sessa: She is from "Posetka-2001", almost exactly according to the horoscope, a satellite passes over them - within two hours she has an inet.

[ + 70 - ] Comment quote №36017
Whoever helps people is wasting time.
> Good deeds cannot be celebrated!
< do you think?
> No, this is a song at all.
< who is singing?
> The old lady.
< funny, is there a reference to the discography?

[ + 55 - ] Comment quote №36016
by Lola (16:18)
I know the question is stupid, but how do I call a cat? and :)
Demonuka at 16:19:
What color is it?
by Lola (16:19)
What color can an animal be? The black witch! and :)
by Demonuka (16:21):
Funny, did she appear today?
by Lola (16:21):
I found...
by Demonuka (16:23)
Hm... well today is a programmer’s day, so call her Hell...the more she’s black...)
by Demonuka (16:26):
But here’s how your parents will react to the appearance of hell in the house, it’s a question of course.

[ + 62 - ] Comment quote №36015
I was in the bus with a friend, Al Pacino. because of its height, it supports the ceiling (joke of 198cm). The interpreter is awful, at the stop "the market" tries to stumble on the grandmother, who is a friend just on the belt. Looking at the crowd, she decides not to go in, which a friend says "go in with me another pocket free". My grandmother was very humorous, no one was injured.

[ + 52 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №36014
In one news source:
The decision was adopted by a majority of votes - one person voted against, another one abstained. The number of votes "for" has not been specified. The group consists of 31 members."
They keep us for idiots.

[ + 69 - ] Comment quote №36013
by Greenka:
I cooked potatoes on the weekend. A mouse ran around. He decided to frighten and quietly threw a potato. The result is headshot. The years of the game in the CS did not go untraceably)))

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №36012
Not allowing a woman to speak out is worse than not allowing a drunkard to flatter.

[ + 59 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №36011
Before going to the army, I said goodbye to my grandfather and he said:
Have you read Switch?
No, I am saying.
- Well, take the honor, and be in the army Swiss, then your service
It will be easier.
In the train on the way to the part, I swallowed this booklet and really became its main character. Not that it would be easier for me, but more fun definitely. I arranged performances of anything, for example: Our squadron has a Komsomol assembly. Commander of the Squadron:
Comrades of Komsomol, we have a restructuring and acceleration in the country.
I suggest calling the first squad for the soccer competition, which will be
The proposals?
I raise my hand and get the word:
– Comrade Lieutenant, I suggest not calling them into the competition.
They are calm and we will not lose.
- What nonsense, this is a strange position, but how to measure the forces and
In this competition, we will defend the honor of our fourth team.
The Squadron?
Again I take the word:
If we have publicity and openness, I will say it for myself. Not personally from me.
Depending on whether to get into our squad or not, without me decided, even in what
I will serve in a city and even in a republic. Nor is anyone
I asked what kind of troops I wanted to serve. I would like, for example,
serving in intelligence, lying on his home couch and exploring,
Today on the telecast. So, to be honest, I cherish our honor.
The squad is the same as the first.
Staley began to lose his face.
So on Saturday, instead of a movie, you’ll go to the cinema.
The Sports City!
I take the word:
Because we are here people of subjectivity, and being free for nothing
We didn’t go to a black-and-white movie about the red Turkestan, we don’t care.
The trouble or that.
My colleagues supported me:
Better in the air in a colorful sports town than in a dark black and white.
The Cinema.
I continue to:
And then, it seems to me that a member of the Komsomol organization should not
to threaten the repression of the entire Komsomol organization of the squadron.
Staley greenered and cried out: “You don’t understand, fools, if we don’t vote for my proposal, I’ll be shaken in the headquarters, and I’ll shake you!”! to
I raise my hand:
Comrade Komsomolets, I propose to vote for the proposal of the Commander.
The squadron and call this unfortunate first squadron to compete.
The commander was not in the headquarters. Who is for?
Staley shut his head with his hands and whispered quietly under his nose:
What do I do here...?
As a result, instead of an hour of struggle with sleep, we had a fun time.
And the very first time I turned on Schweitz was in the first days of service, when the commander of the company asked:
Are there domestic complaints?
I honestly admitted that I have some shorts and a short blanket, the legs underneath it. The captain "involved Petrosyan" and issued a soldier joke of the pre-Petersburg era:
The blanket is short. Then cut off the strip from above and take it down.
Where are the feet.
Everyone stopped except me. The next morning, when my sergeants to the commander that I had done so, the commander, looking at my white-stringed blanket, asked, “Are you an idiot?” I answered, "The advice is really strange, but I thought that you would not advise anything bad that would harm your subordinate or company property. The captain immediately ordered to give me a new one and no more officers or sergeants joked with me, and I slept under a large zero, a warm blanket and thanked my grandfather Vasya for myself.

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №36010
The hypermarket. On all products the label "Action: good without borders! By buying, you help the child! In the center of the picture is the owner of the market with his son.

[ + 50 - ] Comment quote №36009
Oh, and what foolish stuff you don’t put under the dropper!
Yyy: You promised never to bomb Iraq? Can’t go through the mission in the game?

[ + 68 - ] Comment quote №36008
Blin forgot the second cuplet, don't you remember what the autumn is?
yyy: September, October and November.
THANK YOU CEP. Shovchuk just sows.

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №36007
X: The problem is that this fucking module doesn’t work.
This is, you know, the most common problem in IT.

[ + 59 - ] Comment quote №36006
Hi, I have a share.
Y: The Dilemma
X: There is a woman but not a hunt to fuck
Y: There is a woman, but I don’t want her.
X: Thank you for the advice, I finally found out.

[ + 59 - ] Comment quote №36005
Monday in the morning. Why there is no suicide booth next to the workplace as in "Photos".

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna