— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №15420
If children are raised by the method of knot and strawberries, they will grow fat and fat.
The Blacks.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №15419
The Conchita.

The transfer from Israel to the United States was given to the IceCorn family without problems. The chapter
his family went to the position of engineer-technologist, his wife
She is also a nurse and is not worried about her job. Especially that
Former Igor Lidkin's boss for two years as he lived in Portland and
Worked in the same factory. English was pulled, the apartment was handed over and forward.
The only stumbling and headache is how there will be children. children
There were three. The older Sasha 9, the middle Alenka - 5 and the main -
2 year old Adele. Of course, at first they thought there were saddles, but
The former boss immediately gave the idea: take a babysitter, with accommodation. and
Cheaper and more comfortable. Where to take? Any Mexican girl.
Just pleased. There was also experience - the boss himself had lived in the house for six months.
A Puerto Rican woman with a beautiful name, Michelle.
The glaciers thought, threw and decided to try. Especially when found
The candidate is the younger sister of Michelle. The girl was immediately
Conchita, although she also had the name: Anna Maria or Conchita.
Something of this kind.
All the advantages of such an arrangement of ice sheets felt in full as they came out
to work. Conchita woke up in the morning, gathered the children, sent the elder to the house.
I went to school and took the middle school for half a day in the kindergarten. She stayed at the youngest house.
And before lunch I had time to clean up, cook a couple of fire-breathing dishes,
meet the oldest of the school and even wash. He hurried quickly,
skillfully and with the song - as it turned out later, she was at home from 8 years old
I took care of a bunch of brothers and sisters. Is it only three after that?
Coming from work, Lucy did not think of anything, she got a clean apartment,
Children and lunch. Moreover, if one of the spouses
stay at work, or someone of the children suddenly got sick - always at hand
It was Conchita. If you go somewhere in the evening, no problem.
Of course, I had to remove a larger house and bills and food... but in general and
Overall, Lyndon was extremely pleased. In the beginning, the love was
A young and beautiful Latin American woman in the house, but it passed quickly.
Conchita behaved modestly, not demanding almost anything on Sundays.
I went to church or met with friends.
Conchita spoke terribly in English. The language was not given to him.
Moreover, Lidkin’s home spoke in a mixture of Russian and Hebrew.
themselves and with children.
The older children spoke Hebrew with each other, and Conchita spoke to everyone.
In the Spanish.
Adele first spoke Spanish. Ivory has heard everybody.
As a boy, Conchita ran a ballad with him in Lorki's language, and Alex ran with him.
Alina is overwhelmed. In the process, it was revealed that it was only
The flowers. Alex talked to her at school.
Latin American Koreans exclusively in Spanish, and Alinka loves
Sit down and watch some tearful series with Conchita.
But the main event happened just before Christmas. In the evening, going out
In the kitchen, the head of the Lidkin family witnessed a dispute between Alex and
Alina, whom the children taught in Hebrew. Suddenly in controversy quiet but firm
Conchita has entered. It took Igor a few minutes to realize that Conchita
He speaks... in Hebrew... In a fugitive, not bad Hebrew, with a characteristic
The Spanish accent.
Hebrew is generally a fairly simple language, easy to learn, like Spanish.
It is not wise that close international cooperation has yielded its fruits.
So they live, the Russian-Jewish American family.
“Hola, Conchita!” - screams was from the threshold engineer Lidkin.
- "A col converser" - Conchita responds by ringing - "ma shlomha"?
The only thing Conchita sincerely wondered about was why.
Her name is Conchita.? to

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №15418
Old shoes will last longer if you don’t buy new ones.

[ + 55 - ] Comment quote №15417
Mrack: And you knew that when Aristotle came up with logic, he joyfully arranged a feast and ordered 100 sheep to be slaughtered. Since then, sheep don’t like logic.
Vozhd: They seem to be drunk there and have also killed a bunch of babies.

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №15416
It is just like a drug, first you read a little and you start to like it, then you read more, and you sit down specifically, and over time the pleasure becomes not so common, but it is no longer possible to get off the tower.

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №15415
I know a girl who is a bit upset. She recently asked me:"and what is the glass here? In the phrase ' the time has expired' " ))))

[ + 62 - ] Comment quote №15414
No one can be called a fool, it is unpolitical.
Representative of the intellectual majority.

[ + 65 - ] Comment quote №15413
I arranged the admin in one office here, before this I was told that from the past admin smelled a lot and so everyone wrote to him in the aska and by mail, and he was not answering and here I sit at his table and I really smell, started to forge and found his old socks, and on the desk a note:"do not throw them out, or these shit users will eat you alive"this work I already like :D....

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №15412
Artjom: On my table are 70 hryvnia lying and rapidly devalued.
That is such a drama.

[ + 47 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №15411
Oh my goddess!
Do, please, so that the Ohuenny Economic Crisis abolishes, that all these brother-in-law managers and analysts go back to the boulevards to drink cheap beer, that all kinds of stock exchanges fall into their Kislodritshchensky and Učkekeny, because they have nothing to pay for housing. To Successful Entrepreneurs again become chestnuts, and Columnists of glamorous publications - street minions. Goddess, please do so that this fucking pork world of insects that thought of themselves collapses.
Because of this, I’ve been hungry for six months.
Well please.

[ + 54 - ] Comment quote №15410
An acquaintance came, upset, like crying in a jersey.
I ask what happened?
I quarreled with a guy and he sent me to the cock.
How is it? And who told you that "the fuck" is here?

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna