— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 46 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №139290
We had a disaster employee in our company, in speech – a man-pipe.

Sleeping off the train to a business trip and catching it by a taxi is easy.

To rise from the bridge to Nevada a diplomat with a newly signed blood contract for several lamas is not a problem.

Being in Naberge Chelny to lose the return tickets for a plane with a transfer in Kazan and get to Peter for a few days on dogs by car stop and trains - nothing at all.

It must be said that the "adventures" that occurred with him were not only a consequence of personal discord, but also a set of circumstances of force majeure - floods, hurricanes, road congestion and forest fires occurred precisely in those regions where he went on a business trip.

But everything comes to an end. Once this frame sat behind a working comp to play in Dota, and so. sitting quietly and not attracting attention to itself, was closed in the office for the night. Three times in the night, the alarm was running when he went to drink water and to the toilet. Three times he was hiding in the office from the guards. “I wanted to play.” At five o’clock in the morning he was caught and put out of the office for the cold on the street. But he did not go home, because he did not want to get a lull to wake his wife, and the rest of the night he was hanging in the shelter with the guards.

The leadership's patience finally broke out, and due to all the circumstances this man-orchestra was fired.

This would be the end of the fairy tale, but his dismissal had tangible consequences for the whole team. All the squid and force majeure that this comrade accumulated on himself, a thin layer distributed to the employees. As a result, the overall coefficient of scattering remained unchanged, or even increased slightly.

In general, if you have a pipet man in your company - take care of him, maybe he is a thunderbolt man.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №139289
Today in the phrase "served me for many years" Google Docs highlighted the word "me" in red, offering to replace it with "you".

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №139288
Let’s ban the hole on the asphalt!

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №139287
Do you remember your babysitters and teachers in the kindergarten? Those who dressed you, fed you, wiped out your clothes and cockroaches, led you to walk in pairs, taught you to share, not to covet and not to covet, the boys not to offend the girls, but the girls to help put up the dishes and clean up behind them, who read your fairy tales out loud, and if the garden or the basement were five days, then he put them to sleep and woke up, gently swallowing their heads. Those most educators whose soft hands embrace your shoulders on old photographs. You actually became relatives to these ZinPetroven, Mari Ivanen, auntNatasha. And as adults, you joyfully ran to meet them to share your successes and achievements. It was with them that your fathers were always gradually greeted, and your mothers whispered about something on the side.
Remembered you? has been? And yet like. This is your life. She was. And there will be no more. None of anyone.

Do you know what your grandchildren will remember? LaHudra with a gadget and a nipple (a chupa chops in the house and a cigarette on the street), chatting and cuddling, while the squeezed and squeezed children with a fight take away each other’s toys.
A fool who answers the questions "what, where, why" is the mother of his question. They will remember her notes to parents with lists of their own needs for the holidays. and all.

There will never again be ZinPetroven and MariIvanen. The reformers of education dismissed them as inconsistent with the requirements of the reform: lack of publications and higher education. And they recruited outspoken fools with diplomas and a complete lack of love for children. and Amen.

[ + 44 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №139286
If Patriarch Kirill believes in God, then why is he driving an armored Mercedes under the protection of the FSO at the expense of the budget, and not hoping for the patronage of his heavenly chief?

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №139285
Another man from NSK is working with me. So he once saw how the wind broke the banner at the cafe in the yard. Then he saw how it went and where it went.
So, after the hurricane, O goes after the sign, goes into the mud, gets it, comes to the cafe and gives the girl a sign. She is so happy, thank you.
And he said to her, “Where is my amulet of abundance?” The girl looks at him confusedly. Chel continues: “Well, you haven’t played in Diablo? The barman's badge was stolen, he was willing to give this amulet for it. Here is the sign, where is my amulet?and "

This very amulet of abundance doubled the cost of goods in the stores.))) Jab would not refuse to do so either.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №139284
Galatea23: "Nastia, pick us some music"
Galatea23: MWA-HA-HA!!! to
I like it "what"
Galatea23: For this occasion, I have a wonderful mix of Swedish synth-punk, medieval February music, Korean hip-hop, heavy Germans. In conclusion will be Agatha Christie - "Star Gestapo"
Cassir: I knew that.
Galatea23: I can dilute Neuromonas by Theophan
Galatea23: A great discovery

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №139283
I go to SPB all the time, I don’t see any weather boundaries there.

Tsssss, it’s a secret, don’t break the thoughtful plan.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №139282
Scientists have grown a human ear from an apple and DNA.
I have a boss like that.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №139281
Sometimes, when after a sleepy night I terribly want to sleep... and I suddenly manage to put on two children at the same time during the day... I am covered by such a wave of euphoria and feeling of omnipotence that I can not sleep!! to

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №139280
Basic Education

I will reveal to you now an even bigger mystery – the water level in Neva does not depend on rain at all. It depends on the wind direction in the Gulf of Finland. When the wind chases the sea water through this intestine toward Peter, the level in the bay rises - the level in the mouth rises. The water discharge from Ladoga is almost the same all the time, due to the width of its pool.

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №139279
Soon on March 8. He drowned his cell phone in the toilet. He says accidentally.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №139278
The secrets of

I will reveal a terrible secret to you. Neva, of course, thanks to the dam does not get out of the shores, but this does not mean that the water in it is constantly at the same level. And even in the winter, there are frequent cases when the water rises by 90-100 cm.
And in general, they’ve already talked about the “grey rainy Peter,” which idiot invented it?

and what? The damba is designed to raise water up to 4,55m. I will reveal to you an even more terrible mystery - and in other rivers, the water level varies depending on the amount of precipitation and other factors.
In fact, I also imagine how the Murmanchans and the residents of the other northern Russians rage the hundreds of St. Petersburg sisters about the terrible weather. I go to SPB all the time, I don’t see any weather boundaries there.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna