— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №155347
Xxx: You stand, you do, you smoke, you look at the night sky and you think: the space above you is so huge that you are in the background of it - a bacterium simply. Moreover, this space is filled with billions of fireballs around which sometimes rotates stone or gas balls. They are mostly empty and there is no life on them. There may be somewhere, but it is such a shit rarity that nihua is not a pattern, but rather a statistical anomaly.

All this incredible machina is constantly changing, moving, and you in it are just a coincidence. The mouth of moisture. It’s funny, but yes, it’s from humidity. You and your entire human civilization are a mistake of nature. And your planet, too, because there are very few such planets. And the systems that are there.

99 whole and you know how many hundred percent of the space of the universe is not adapted for you. You will die there without delay. There is a vacuum, there is no ambient temperature, there is gamma-alpha-beta radiation. There are blue supergiants that emit so much energy that you can shake it out by just imagining it. There are black holes inside which singularity, which is generally a mathematical abstraction. There are distances at which the question "how far?" The question is “how long ago?” This is not all for you. This is the most hostile environment to your weak body.

You will also die. Zhvanetsky has recently died, Jigarhanyan has died and you will die. And soon that there are still years 50-60 in the best case. This is a moment for the universe. Don’t wait for it, it was cancelled. Of course, there is no God. And this world does not exist for you – otherwise it would not have been so arranged. And there is no meaning either – the universe does not understand the word “meaning.” She is not able to understand at all. You could have died ten years ago. I could never be born. That would not change anything.

Someone is creating art. It drives science. It enters its name into history in other available ways. Whoever is unable to do so (and most of them) simply gives birth to children and says that this is the main meaning of life. To appear, to exist for a moment, to “appear” the next one, that he too would exist for a moment. And all this carousel without meaning, purpose and any other high and noble vector.

And you start clinging to all kinds of religions, theories, ideas. Because in the form in which it all seems to be without them, it is heroic somehow. So much to get out of the balcony. The heights should be enough. Does it make sense to pull? To pull, to suffer, to grieve, to worry about all the shit.

And you say to yourself that it is not possible that the very existence of reason is accidental. Or maybe it was just for that? Well, how does a chemist mix large amounts of reagents to get a small sediment – so does the universe? It is such a big cage, and we are the same precipice? Well, not myself, of course, but life in general. A unique hernia. And then you kill the fly and you understand - but for her, it's just over. and? What would be the meaning of her, flies, life? No in anything.

And we too. We build, we develop, we fight, we heroize, we experience emotions, we write, we draw, etc., and then a few hundred years have passed. Oh, it turns out about us in a history textbook - one small page and then 80% shit. Oh, again, and a couple of thousand years have passed – that is, we are now an extinct civilization?! What about our values? What about our unique culture? In the sense of a beer bank and a fantasy from the Gondon in the museum - all that remains?!! Oh, again, and the sun is already shining. Or a meteorite. And there is nothing left. As if it did not exist.

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №155346
The girl with the light bullets didn’t touch me at five, seven, nine, as did the brutal fairy tales of the makeup brothers.

But the encyclopedia about the space of the years at seven on the unfortunate brain of such a shock suggested that I was hysterical in the blanket, and the whole family reassured me.

Yyy: The existential crisis, how small are we in the universe?

Xxx: It all started with the fact that the sun will one day burn, swell, and then crumble into a dwarf. I was extremely upset, and then my aunt, trying to encourage me, said that by this moment we will all die for many thousands of years.

Well, then it came to pass that the land was a kajak, and we were a kajak, and we were flying, the hell knows where, like a bunch of dust and it became scary.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №155345
My mother was a well-deserved donor of our country. Her blood was quite rare - 4 groups. Once, I remember, she was even sent by helicopter at night to some small town to rescue a child.

Parents always joked about the topic that my mom has the fourth blood group, and my dad has the first.

So here.

At a biology class at 7 a biologist offered to donate a drop of blood in order to determine the group. I was not scared, and it turned out that I had 4 groups, like my mom. It was also revealed (from the table) that parents with 1 and 4 blood groups cannot have a child with 4 blood groups.

I went home and began to torture my parents about who my real dad and mom are.

The parents were in shock, there was a small scandal. DNA testing was not as available then as it is now.

My father was sent to donate blood.

He has two blood types.

Everyone breathed out with relief.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №155344
And who only appoints these rogue governors?

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №155343
Simple and genius.

Approximately once a week a friend recruits a team of young guys to unload/load cars in the warehouse. He is given a certain amount, he recruits three from the category of 25-30 years and five 16-17, because among them there are more willing (and they are willing to work for a smaller amount). Also sometimes among them appears a young girl, looking like the same 16 years old. Not to say that she has a strong body, but tries to work equally with everyone, except that she is usually left with lighter objects. I once after loading asked her what motivated her to go here, because the girls are not especially in the loads. It turned out that the organizer himself offered it to her, and also paid up as the senior age category. I did not ask a friend about this, but a few weeks later I noticed one pattern, and then I got to it.

In general, in those days when this girl comes out, the performance of teenagers increases almost twice, and the team takes 40 minutes less time to work. Great, and most importantly, everyone is happy.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №155342
I’m embarrassed to ask... After Miller and Sechin extremely effectively drove Gazprom and Rosneft to huge losses, the world’s oil and gas outlets will craving these two titans a little less? Can they cut their salary?

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