— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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From baby: 1 - And I finally cooked the BORST!!I never cooked, then I decided, I am a woman, so I have to cook it at least once! I cooked on Sunday, only yesterday they ate, I didn't make pictures.I did a chicken broth under the peelmen (my husband cooked peelmen twice on it), with cabbage, potatoes and sausages (we need something meat). I am so happy that I am becoming a real wife and how do you cook borscht? - How is it on the water, where the peelmen boiled twice?1- He not only cooked them on the water, but with chicken bouillon, dissolved which, with greens.At the same time, and peelings as in a restaurant, and borscht to the surprise of all of the ugigenese tasty=)3- buga-yo-yo, 5 day borscht on peelings washes of the day, with the addition of a chemical bouillon (I even got a cat like this to grind would start) and she regret us... in the restaurants of peelings... his mother so... and what about Ekaterinburg so severe)))---that is, that borscht was with COBASSA(!Quote: "We need something meat", no one was surprised? OOO
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And I had another thought... What in this family, in addition to the chemical broth, feeds my husband that he praised such a "borship"? O_O

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna