— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Do you know how hard it is to be a grandmother? It's like being born a bullshit - the fuck knows when you'll get another seizure.
He: Yes, it is even scary. A bit.
She: it looks like you are all so packed - in bars, NATO camouflage, with all kinds of lotions like the sense of humor, armor-cold-blooded vest, automatic logic, and other things that are inherent in a normal healthy person for full completeness. And here you are all so beautiful falling out of the helicopter, and find yourself in the fucking Vietnamese jungles, where you want to kill every butterfly, liana and babouin. And all these lotions and pants go fucking, because they are absolutely incapable in these conditions. This is how the normal brain lives in a grandmother’s body.
He is fucking...
She: Such things are.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna