— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 28 - ] [3 Комментарии к цитате]
from the cinema. and burned)

Shurik331 - Commentary on 13th District: Brick Mansions A lot of piracy. I am not against sexual minorities. This is what children are watching! 3 of 5

Shurik331--Commentary to the movie: Yes, I don't understand this gay propaganda in the movie. The movie itself is not bad. But because of geisha only 4 out of 5. Distributed thanks.

Shurik331--Commentary to the movie Maleficent: The movie is not very, but watched in the cinema. There is a big inclination towards gays, as if they want to make it an ordinary thing. 3 of 5. Thanks to the distributor.

Shurik331--Commentary to the movie One Meeting: The movie is nothing like that, but this gay propaganda has already gotten. I am loyal to them, if they are not seen or heard...but there is pps. Film 4 of 5. Distributed thanks.

Kikkimiki: I noticed this by chance. It’s about one person’s movies. Don’t you think you’re a latent pitcher?

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna