— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Viol: I know one guy under the nickname Elizabeth and he has no problem with that. Communists can get into it. You know, Marx, Engels, Lenin, Plekhanov. In the case of Marx and Engels, you need to know German.
Viol: One in one - not to be distinguished from the historical prototype.
Viol: Even the features of the face change a little. It looks a bit awful from the side.
Viol: True, he drinks all sorts of herbs for this, so it is not without medicinal effects on the psyche.
Viol: He has a pretty busy history, like many of my acquaintances in this field, he started with Satanism.
Viol: And he wanted to become an obsessed demon.
ACCount: He wanted the devil and got the communists?
Account is Ohuenno.
Viol: The Bible does not expel communists - verified.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna