— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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They began to write a protocol—and their mother named her surname—and the protocol was written on her. Then I wrote about it in a local newspaper. But nobody has ever understood what it is for L. Melnikov :)

A funny story happened with my friends, a family couple, the will of fate, carrying the same name - Melnikov. For the last 18 years they have lived in the United States, where it all happened. When buying a new car, they registered it at the dealer center. The dealer enters into his papers the name of his husband - Melnikov, and his wife - Melnikov. For a second, he thought, and asks his husband: "Alex, you are one family, why do you have different surnames?"" A man with a Soviet sense of humor could not tolerate such humour, and said: "You understand, we have a tradition in Russia - when a girl marries, the letter "a" is added to her surname at the end. So if you see someone with two or three "a" at the end - run." All this with an absolutely stone face expression. They formed and fled. The next day, a call from this dealer said, “Alex, I told your story to all my colleagues who are standing next to me now, and they can’t believe you, the Russians, are so clever. Please confirm, plz...". "Yes, it is so." - with the utmost dignity possible said Uncle Sasha, and already, putting the telephone allowed himself to smile in his mouths: "That will still be!"))

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna