— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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"Love and pigeons", a film, softly speaking, not childish. Love and romance? and no-no The stranger changed, like a goat, went to another, returned, the son on him with a tail, with his former wife to drink vodka from his throat - you want to, just for a 12-year-old kid. Did you see this as a child? Never to ever! Not to live! We watched foolish comedies like the French "4 Musketeers", of course, Gaida, all kinds of "Peter and Vasechkin", about spies, detectives then were intellectual, without excessive bloodshed... what to say, not one film studio for children and youth worked, setting the right ideals. And to punish a child with such a non-Film is, indeed, stupid. They think that all adults are stupid. 146 percent think so.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna