— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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From Facebook:
XXX: Greetings to the beautiful!
xxx: I saw your photos, you are very sympathetic, I would like to meet you, my name is Paška!
Yyy: Thank you, but I am not interested in new acquaintances, good day to you :)
XXX: So what are you doing? I am fine, there is an apartment and a car. Let us get acquainted!
YYY: Pasha, seriously, I’m not interested :)
Okay, here is my photo, can you see what I have in the press? You will lose a lot if you refuse. ;)
yyy: Thank you, but I am not interested, good day :)
XXX is A! You are a lesbian, right? Couldn’t she ever say sheep are stupid? I only spent time on you!!!! to


The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna