— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 30 - ]
Here is this:
to this:

Nuclear warheads are more than enough. Boom - and Germany is wiped off the face of the earth. Forgive the axis of evil, greet the veil of truth.
Crater of Good Scuca
and xD

It is...
I am very curious about the age of these degenerates with Bivisov's hygias, who argue about how fun and good it would be to kill a few million people.
Types are typical.

Picked by Pick. It is not necessary to splash with saliva.
For some reason, such indignation is generated here only when something is struck by Europeans, Khhls or Americans, I do not remember such bullying and outrage when something like this is written against the Russians. This is on Russian resources. Shame on you, gentlemen.
= the =
When the Debbie Pindos threatens us with a bomb, let it threaten us. The bomb will not be dropped, and the fool in America will live. When our men threaten to bury someone, they are our fools. The relatives. The Russians. We live with them.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna