— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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A friend found in someone’s diary:

I’m in the subway in the afternoon, behind me are two... male representatives. In terms of voice, vocabulary and intonation, they are typical seed absorbers.
One told the other.
Do you know of this site - There is a type of acquaintance. There was a girl who sent me her pictures. Well, I’ve taken pictures, I say, take the phone. She gave a car. meet with. Life is not what it is in the pictures.
Much more sympathetic. in the life. Well, so the car type walked, all normal, again, here she called, in the movie. We go soon.
She is studying literature. Here I am the type for the next date, *Guy-Guy*, type as in school, *Guy-Guy*, I teach poetry. of Pasternak. Assessed...

He shamefully turned away and read the poems with a touchingly quiet voice, periodically scratching with the paper.

You say that romance is dead.

c) Romansul

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna