— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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This (or God give it this):
There are no little girls, unless, of course, they are not crocodiles. This is more for guys. And the girls do not fuck it, they can calmly do without sex. Moreover, as revealed in a recent battle, for 99% it is an unpleasant process, which they are forced to tolerate, simulating orgasm.
** by
Sorry, but I’ve been crazy since I was 9 years old. I am very insufficient in case of insufficiency. The honest word.
It is not worth me to mark a shameful prostitute in advance - she lost her innocence at 21, and then she did not jump from a man to a man, for 15 years, the sex activity of patrners changed less than the fingers on her hands.
So here - some (I will not speak for everyone, I will say for myself) girls need sex. And pleasant, if it is not violence, of course, but all by mutual agreement.
Honestly and honestly 😉

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna