— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Okay okay?
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The story of the Cat Matroskina from Vladivostok does not badly reflect our mentality. Turn off eat someone else for fabulous money and you 1. nothing will be 2. you will become famous and popular with accounts in Instagram and Twitter
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To tell you how "sensitive" is calmar or (!) The Campaign? The special joke is that this "horrible incident" happened in a seaside town, which (surprise!) is Vladivostok (for reference - a large port). There is a problem with hamsters, but this seafood bread consumption...Well, I don’t know how, in order to consider it “delicatess,” you need to starve. And, glory to all mythological entities...Cambala is a delight...Rju ;-)
They just wasted, I’m sure. It is cheaper to run a cat "accidentally" than to justify it.
Cooked shrimp in a plate to try on the market is the norm (and fuck you will find such in Moscow, and there it is normal), and here it is eaten less than a thousand and the final price? I beg you...

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna