— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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here here :

Regarding advertising, I disagree. You can also reload the article here:
Article of 159. fraudulent

Well, my friend, I beg you. Have you seen the advertisement? These people can lie, telling the absolute truth. Just remember the legendary vegetable oil "FREE CHOLESTERINE!!11 RAS" You should take it, right? Or somewhere else it is probably cholesterol, and it is immediately written that it is not... And the fact that you do not know that in vegetable oil cholesterol does not exist in principle, it is already your personal problems. We didn't lie to you, cholesterol is really not there - check it out.
And in the poster of a very boring religious play with a bunch of brainstorming can be written, for example: "This wonderful story will immerse you in the magical world of the beginning of our era." Go and prove it is not true. Is there history? There is. The world is magical? He is a magical God. The beginning of the era? The beginning of the era. A wonderful story? No is? Well, this is a subjective assessment, the author thinks it is delightful, and you first, and then criticize. What does "propaganda" mean? Which? Where is? There is no propaganda. This is a reconstruction of events!! I am absolutely sure that the magicians were speaking so!!! Go, prove that you were deceived with the money on the ticket.
Verbal equivalence, brother, the matter is subtle. Especially when it comes to the objects of art – movies, books, performances here... "I see it" and all.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna