— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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This is:

It is important.
A well-known man called me.
Remember the "fifth column"
So here. The FSB, using the law against the Internet (one year ago warned) record people who write on the Internet about the collapse, the deficit, repost various slugs. A large case is being prepared about disinformation in so-called media (soc. Networks are equal. The first arrests will soon take place.
You need to get out of the country urgently, at least for a few months. Who knows has already bought travel tickets for "vacation". Many tour agencies have frozen sales, free flights are getting fewer.
All this is very scary. I don’t even want to believe. But it won’t be shit, that’s important.
A well-known man called me.
Remember the "fifth column"
So here. The FSB, using the law against the Internet (one year ago warned) record people who write on the Internet about the collapse, the deficit, repost various slugs. A large case is being prepared about disinformation in so-called media (soc. Networks are equal. The first arrests will soon take place.
You need to get out of the country urgently, at least for a few months. Who knows has already bought travel tickets for "vacation". Many tour agencies have frozen sales, free flights are getting fewer.
All this is very scary. I don’t even want to believe. But the puppy will not fuck.

Excellent attempt tour operator, just great. Artistically, with imagination, with fire

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna