— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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My mother once told me and my brother to throw the old Soviet TV (such a healthy grave on the legs, who knows will understand). We peeled this dirty box before washing for half an hour, constantly stopping for rest. I hated that television with all my soul... Then I left for business. I go home in the evening with the TV in place!!! There is a happy grandmother:
Oh, you can imagine, granddaughter, how lucky we are! I go from the clinic, I watch - on the laundry the TV stands, well, just like ours! Yes, in our time, such a telephone was the dream of every family, people were completely eaten! She brought to us! We have two such TVs!
P.S We live on the 7th floor and there is no TV in the elevator. My grandmother was 75.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna