— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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to this:
It is interesting how it feels to work with programmers developing software for avionics and testers. It’s like lying out the code so that one day, at night, in the clouds, the pilots instead of the air horizon suddenly do not see a message of a critical error. Their nerves and eggs are steel. And an unusual mind. Hands are growing from the right place.
I don’t know how for aviation, but software for spacecraft itp. There are three to four independent companies. Thus e. Really on such a ship works a software, where each of its modules is duplicated 3-4 times by different developers. If a module stops working, the program automatically switches to a module from other developers.
Thanks to my programming engineering teacher :)
P.S Sorry for the grammatical mistake, I am not Russian.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna