— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Leonid Leonov: Your life is an exam. After death, there will be automatic sorting in different directions. It is more than heaven and hell. I was there. We were sent to earth to save the light. Maybe people will make the end of the world soon. There is such a possibility. When human bodies are burned up in the apocalypse, we will go into battle to try to save the light and then re-occupy the world with people. I am standing in the tenth row, one hundred and eighty on the flank. There is a monster in front of me. He is 15 percent stronger than me. His power grows on human sins, like on yeast. I can’t get along with him. Do not make people evil. It just won’t go out of your hand.
GarryStar: You just misrepresented your character, if you put all the glasses in force at the 80th level, then the monster with one eye will lie down with a pair of ticks!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna