— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Almeth forgot his cell phone on the table when he went home. Five calls from someone’s phone. Ask to endure. I took it, I went out, and after me this new guy from the carpenters comes out. We are not going together, we are just going nearby. Almeyev saw, fit so on the borzo, type e, chuvello, let the mobile phone call for five seconds. I give him the phone, he takes, and the guy drops. And then the machinery in a jump catches him and cut short in the head of the almet on the asphalt. He picked up the phone and gave me. I am in Aachen.
And you 😉
I took it and went back to the office. I think, well, I’ll explain, I’ll joke, I’ll lie down next to you...

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna