— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Zadolbaška No. 16713, which summed up its history very instructive.

The fact that you are proud to have condemned a mom with a child who scratched you a strangely parked car does not make you absolutely nobody. The laws should have been remembered before when it was parked in the courtyards.

And judging by how he boasted of his "weight under 120" and steep bonds, it is not difficult to guess what will happen and intimidate his mommy so that she doesn't get too hard in court. Yes, the court decided that your scratch on the car is more expensive than the tenants from whom you took the playground. I’t be so happy in your place. Another time you park too close to some sandbox – and you will be yourself in the role of another caretaker, who was immediately suspected of excessive love for children. Prove that you are not a camel.

So take advantage of your "cool connections", and buy a garage.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna