— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 36 - ]
xxx: We recently checked here (from Norway, they have a control package of shares). we said that we have sex discrimination - type of little girls )) we now girls-admin picked up - this is a gesture ))
xxx: each of their parish - work interrupted for a roast for an hour somewhere
XXX: While we try to behave decently
yyy: )) I represent you
XXX: You don’t know
xxx: one walks on a shirt and in a short shirt. This is despite the fact that they, like juniors, are forced to put cables between the floors. I put an IP phone in my room. As I put him in the roof, he broke his nail. I went for half a day looking for a drink in the office.
The second came to see my missing inet. I picked up the server and left. - this action repeated times 3-4. for the 5th time came the boy, twisted the cable into another router socket - inet appeared *WALL*

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna