— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Well, yes, the original girl at all suffered until 19, and in general:

In her 11-13s, she was well aware of various methods of contraception, the consequences of early birth and early sexual life.
and +++++
And that is normal!?? This girl just lost her childhood! Well, or as an option she already started working on the panel at 12 years of age...I at 12 years of age went to the musician and in general no boys and did not think yet...At 12 years of age it is normal in dolls still play.
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Most likely she had a mother who raised her for a warning." With me, my mother had educational conversations about puberty and the harm of drugs for 10 years - according to your logic, I turned out to be a minor prostitute-drug addict? What interesting details of my life open up! The most funny thing is that my acquaintances lost their virginity early and began to smoke and drink just those whose parents didn't even think about anything like that, apparently, so as not to ruin their childhood. Who thought that if the guy had time to pull out (it was he, as clever, so explained to her), then nothing would happen. And if my mother explained everything in time, it would be without an abortion.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna