— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Good thing, the missing one!
Why are you so funny? :)
YYY: I went to the store)))))
Wines and Vodka? and ;)
YYY: ah... this is not the essence))))) there next to the tobacco department a girl-promoter sympathetic stands...
XXX: Have you met?
YYY: Oh yeah! You get bored with this... before me the starper some came in, she came to him with a sweet smile, beige-pyry, asks if he smokes... grandfather is deaf, asks three times, then changes the face and begins to wickedly chase: "she went into a manda!" and repeats so for two minutes more... the girl without a basar rejected the type and it wasn’t very necessary. Grandfather continues to roar.
The company’s smile instantly evaporated and she said, fucking, with such a flattering voice that I’ve got eggs: “Man, I have an intelligent family and a higher education. That’s why you don’t go down now!"
XXX is... It is hot! 😉
YYY: the right education!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna