— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I started reading information security books. When he came home, the cat found another hooliganism: he opened the kitchen door, hanging on a pen, pulled a baton from the table and, hiding from the murder, quickly wandered under the couch. Usually I accepted this and the happy cat left the shelter after half an hour, knowing that the deadline for the crime had expired and he successfully escaped the punishment. Having remembered the good advice of the Customsman and the postulates of Bruce Schneier, he laid his lazes on both sides of the couch with boxes of shoes. After another machination the cat on the usual scheme ran into the first "nora". He stumbled into the "bubble", moved to the plan "B" and headed to the second entrance, but there the security gap was removed. The cat in confusion hanged, was immediately caught, after which an explanatory work was carried out with him on issues of good behavior and sophisticated manners. Thank you Customs and Schneer!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna