— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Darwin explained it.
Darwin explained, but not everyone understood.

1st The idea that man originated from a monkey belongs to Buffon, not Darwin.
2nd Evolution and Darwin’s theory are two different things.
Three According to these theories, modern monkeys and modern humans have a common ancestor; thus, by saying the phrase "man originated from a monkey" it is necessary to at least clarify what is meant by the ancient monkeys, not those that can be seen in the zoo.
4 is The classification of species relates to Man - T-Dam! - to monkeys (family hominid of the superfamily of human-like monkeys). Thus, the phrase “man originated from a monkey” sounds like “carrot originated from vegetables.”
5 is The logical mistake is here: “Man came from a monkey, monkey is an animal, hence man is also an animal.” All animals originated from cluster single-celled, hence man - cluster single-celled? All living things originated from the primary broth, hence man is the primary broth. Birds originated from dinosaurs (reptiles), hence the domestic chicken is a crocodile?
6 is Man is an animal, but the evolutionary theory has nothing to do with it: this is what is written in the classification of living organisms.
I don’t know who or why this can be offensive – except for those who are offended by the word “fruit” in the name of “manion in the belly of a pregnant woman.”

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna