— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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When I was a student, in 1999 at the Agrarian Institute of Grodno, we had computer science lessons, which we were looking forward to. And so began our lessons. We were not even embarrassed by the fact that we began to teach work on DOS, when in many schools the wire was already standing (in our university, a class with Windows computers just appeared a year later). But what was really embarrassing is that the first 3 lessons did not allow us even computers to turn on, and Pred, a aunt of the 50s, only painted shapes and catalogues on the board. What happened in the 4th class? There was control work. We finally turned the computers on and had to perform a specific task. There could be a task, but only where, if the hell car has never blinked with the green eye before, and then looks at you with its screen and awaits something. Calling for logic, we asked this aunt at least once to show us on the compact all that she had explained to us before in 3 lessons. With a complacent smile, this “teacher” took it into his hands and began drawing catalogues on the board.
Morality: as long as the educational institutions teach the aunt with the thinking of the accountant, as long as in theory all the teachers are masters and doctors, and in practice sheep, you should not expect from users a competent handling of the computer and the absence of stupid questions and retaliations in the style of "it's just somehow."

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna