— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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On YouTube comment on the fake about sending the Tyumen zecks to fight in Donbas:

Gusev Alexander: A gang from Amur arrived in Odessa.

Zheka: There were urki shuleraya in the gang.

Alexander Ilyushin: The gang was engaged in dark affairs,

Kalinin Ruslan: The combat actions led.

Kalinin Ruslan: This gang was ruled by a personally evil Putin.
He cannot live without war.
But in the footsteps of the gang from Amur himself
The boys came from SBA.

Kalinin Ruslan: There were five storms in this gang.
Seven Romanians and Romanians.
The gang travelled on rotten armor.
It scared the Ukrainian Crimea.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna