— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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The Finger! Oh, at 50 women we are distinguished by envious health and beauty. And here are those, the Baguard, the grandmothers and the 60 beautiful women. So, tell me, what did you do to keep your wife beautiful? Purchased in a fitness center? No is? Is it expensive? Did you provide her with a standard of living that allows her to work half-time so that she can have time for herself? I bought her a car so that she didn't pull her bags and carried the children on the bicycles? Has your home been equipped with high-end household equipment? twice a year sent to a good sanatorium for a full tour of 21 days? And yet again "no" And now look at yourself at 50 years: puffiness, baldness, erectile dysfunction, radiculitis, obliterating endarteritis...and in all your disgrace is also the fault of the wife, because she is cheated "and you have more on her "not worth"...and the thinking of a 20-year-old baby, to whom the breasts are more important than a living soul...

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna