— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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What kind of shit about the shameless men with whom to walk with shame? Yes, my, though in sloppy jeans and a dressed T-shirt, let him walk - I never feel ashamed of people with him, because I know that he is a cool man, and what others will think is absolutely purple. I should dress him and tell him how to live, am I his mom? For an interview or a wedding of friends, he himself is smart enough to dress up, and in everyday life still lacked enough to provoke a quarrel in an empty place. You read some babes here and you think, "Well, stupid!", "Aha, tell your boys-husbands that they are villagers, and if you didn't, they would have walked out. Wonderful dynamics of relationships will develop, just wonderful! Do you have to go or go? And then they complain that the men on the pitch with friends start to disappear, bite on everything, and sex once every six months. Yes, this is their protest to the parental figure, and mother fucking is also a taboo, so it is not surprising that you such stops standing up. Let’s arrange your “happiness” and then blame everyone except yourself, “I’ve tried so for it!”and "

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna