— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I read the scratches, laughed, but I can’t get past here anymore. I am personally disturbed. very very. Cultivating hatred for mothers and children. I hope this terrible fashion is to insult and mock parents with children, when it ever goes by.
As soon as society ceases to knock people in the head with a hammer about the ‘principal purpose’ – there will be a reaction. After all, WHAT you need to be to question a single girl "why you don’t get married, you will soon be too late"? As if she doesn’t want family happiness, or as if that happiness can be built with any child who looks at her. To find your only one - Daticho, stupid, you have to give birth! And a lot of nonsense about all there "watches" and "glasses of water". Ask the married couple “When” and “When” at all. Those of your “mothers” with their burning brains can’t imagine that a couple may have reproductive problems, and such questions – like a tick in a solar plexus?! As soon as happy mothers-fathers leave the childless in peace (they will leave them together, you should not regret it too) - so will the childless stop protecting themselves from you as they can.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna