— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Tushed with the girls at the restaurant. And there we have live music, a drummer and everything. And here, probably, on the alcoholic pair (otherwise you will not explain, because he is white) I pulled on him... And what is essential, he replied to me... After the closure of the restaurant carried him to himself, in the taxi the wave of passion burned up, until it sparkled, almost on the first floor (and I was on the sixth, for a minute) the clothes flew crackling. I reached the door, I entered the castle with the key, and in no way, and the key is not pulled out, crazy... And suddenly the door opened up...On the threshold of the son-in-law (2 meters, Ilya Muromets, in a beard and with a stinking look): - Mama? The Mi-Sha? (I forgot that I live with my son - I was drunk.) - Who are you? and I? Yes, it was... (the man was swallowed by the wind), the man wanted one water (at two o’clock at night, what? It is an image-nothing, and thirst is everything! ... - Ah... - Yes, I, it is... - Ah... - Sonule, well, let it go, such a difficult day, Ike, day... Morning... We work together, we gather together, I turn around the kitchen, we gather to eat, bath, head-dryer and coffee. - Mom, sit down. Misha, we are at work. Taxi now... we’re late... – Mom, we need to talk... I’m still turning... – Mom, sit down, please. I sat on the edge of the chair. And then my son tells me, “Mom, someone in our family is drinking. And it is not me! Do not roast! I am worried! The curtain! and c)

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna