— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I honestly don’t know what the problem with pregnancy is. Find someone to stick to!
Well, the employee worked with us, as she found herself in an interesting position, began to run through hospitals, well, went, for an hour at 2, no one whimpered at all, a purely female collective, among which were both the birthers and not, as they all treated with understanding. Yes, she did a part of her work, which must be done right now, and what can be postponed, she spent coming from the hospital, stayed after work and generally indicated the correct number of hours she worked. In general, a soulful person, brought to work there baking, together they drank tea at lunch, well, there were no problems in principle. I am now reading these scratches and my hair is becoming dumb, because I am planning myself soon in a decree, people you are crazy, fucking when there was no line in the hospitals? It is okay to leave the tests, but for a doctor's appointment, there is a bloody war, don't give god a turn.
Per somehow the government and the chief should be obliged to settle this issue. Per still pregnant out of line to take in hospitals, so not will lift up the heads suffering in the ranks in hospitals... This is a closed circle!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna