— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Throw the shit on the ventilator.
The phrase: "Babies in compasses do not understand"
When I graduated from the university at the end of the 1980s, we had 90 percent of girls. And then the 90s came, I went to decree in one country, and left it in another.
I watched how the wages were paid in my workplace at the WPC, on my feeder, who quickly surrendered and became a former, and went to trading with the BOOKGALTER. Because she could go out in the afternoon for her business and next to the house, and work to the house to take, and paid, although a little, but regularly. About how my aunts on the bills were forced to learn to count, I will not tell, but at the end of the 90s, organizations began to demand all sorts of information in electronic form. By that time, the basics of accounting in me have already been embroiled, and I have already begun to take accounting work, and with the advent of computers I have become out of competition. So it stayed in the buckets. I don’t tell anyone about my education. Although the original profession is a little sad.
And our dad at the beginning of the zero I remember why children can listen to computers, music from the music center, and the movie through the view on the TV.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna