— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I’ve heard a lot that people’s “self-future” letters are shuffled there, leaves pockets in their pockets... so here’s a piece of stuff. I went on vacation and did not replace anyone. I decided to write a detailed manual so that other people could do my work during the vacation "by notes", without calling and without panic. It was so detailed that it was made up of four small letters. The work is quite rugged and scrupulous. I had to write like for idiots or infants. Click there, enter this, the left arrow, and so on.
The vacation went well - started on my birthday, then the move, then the repair, and ended on the birthday of my daughter.
On Monday, my head is so upset that... I’m sitting down, reading my own manual, written by me, but before the holidays. It helps

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna