— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I sit at work, I don’t touch anyone, I call:

Q: "I’m starting to enter the case in the register, and he’s giving me a mistake! What is it?"

I come, therefore, and observe how when creating a record on the case, the date is marked - 31.11.2014.

I: "What do you want from me?"
Q: "So do it well!! I need to make a card!"
I: "Sorry, but I can’t help you here. I am not Almighty. Because in the calendar in November 30 days, forgive..."

Five seconds of silence and silence: "Shit. I am a fool..."

Nothing in this story. Only the defendant's card wants to fill on the newly filed case. In the case of the Investigative Committee, this is the date.
of Russia. The curtain.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna