— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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A parent’s family of 12 years was renting apartments, relatives’ apartments – in a word, not before it was to have an animal at home. And that’s when we finally entered the new trunk! My mom first brought home a crazy cabbage, a black pudel. He was graceful, trained in teams, emotional, but, most importantly, was noble and kind. Therefore, when a month later the mother brought home a frozen kitten, the dog smelled the new one and graciously accepted it in the herd.
The dog was very patient with the kitten: he allowed him to play with the brush of his tail, to work out the cat's techniques of attack from the assembly, to take the best pieces from the bowl. Maybe that’s why when the cat grew up they were very friendly.
The pudel had a bad habit when it was left at home for a long time and did not walk out, not just to make a loaf in the hallway, but to pour the wall of the kitchen setup. He was punished for, no matter.
When the cat grew up, he begged out on the street. He left, but always returned. At first, the cat came home with scratches on his mouth and ears. Then somehow the wounds stopped.
It turns out, the red trick before going to the street all rounded around the described wall of the kitchen setup, until it began to crush a dog. In this form, all the surrounding cats were sparkling from him, and his precious red-white skin returned home whole and unharmed =)))

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna