— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Sitting in the bus. I approached the stop, and there I saw my group. I see a man approaching her with flags, he wants to sell. Only he did not speak, but with gestures showed everything, Well, and gave a paper with text. But the group was not before that. The bus has arrived. Well, she read, said, "I am a poor miserable, buy a flag" and went into the bus. I see, the man was confused. As it turns out, the paper with the text was not returned to him. He tried to catch her hand somehow, but didn't have time, and the bus was about to leave. He showed her something with gestures, with his hands, but unsuccessfully. In the end, he couldn’t stand and said loudly, “Girl, return the paper!” and burned)

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna