— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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The wise men who "heard the bell"
"Rolls as such - is not a dish of Japanese cuisine at all" and such superfluously on us is a loophole.
And if you read the books, and look at the engravings, and go to the exhibitions, can you go to the master class to the carrier of knowledge? This is not, we have a whole 1 heard fact and now you can carry the banner of initiation in the stupid masses.
PS rolls out of fish (or ivory) invented by a Japanese for Americans in the 70s of the last century
but simple rolls with 1 filling and outer algae were eaten before the invention of the sushi known to us
The sushi restaurant. Large companies make orders. After approximately 20 minutes of concentrated work, the ropes of the soul shout out: - Bly-e-in! I didn’t eat and I was tired!! to

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna