— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Tell me how

In fact, you can’t distinguish a normal man from the one who disguises himself. There are two options - either learn to differentiate (grow up), or sit at home with your mother. years to fifty. In the blue socks.

At the concert, there was a crowd. In front of him jumped like a ragged fat unwashed pofigist.But it was worth asking him not to kick his legs, so he began to observe a distance with everyone around. It looked like muddle. Then it became hot at the concert and in the break the people went to breathe, and I stood closer to the door. Next to him stood an intelligent guy with a girl (washed, shaved, in a shirt). And then there was little space for him and they and his grandmother just kicked me off, then stood on their feet, and answered the comment with a sharp beat. I know a lot of such stories. I have them and my acquaintances. The degree of inadequacy is not always visible from the move.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna