— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Let's look at things really: the driver, with very rare exceptions, does not want to shoot anyone down, but the machine has a mass and acceleration that will not allow one second to slow down if a pedestrian with permitted view jumps out of the bushes right in front of the car. The driver can do nothing.
What hell do you try to equate this to harassment and rape, which happens only on the fact that a babouin just WILL to be harassed or raped and THINK that the world will be adapted to his desires? You understand how everything worsened the reasoning of the good grandmother is not to blame for anything, it is all nature/hormones, the victim, the ugliness, provoked - dressed was not in parange and with her boyfriend on the bench provoking hugged-kissed, worshiping this unfortunate grandmother" And in the end we have temperamental young people who are not able to control their temperament (and why, they said - such a nature), and on some idiotic male public they also insinuated that she is crying and begging her not to touch - this is a female cocktail - more decisive!", and these fools then REALLY do not understand what the statement to the police, why, this is all kind of court "game" was.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna