— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I was 5 or 6 years old, I don’t remember. At the time, hairstylists were often used to make hairstyles. These pins were very similar to forks in electrical appliances, at least for a child of that age. So, my puzzling brain tried to find out from everyone around, what would happen if it was a fucking thing to push into the outlet (suddenly I kind of light up like a light bulb)... And all that mom, that sisters, flattered with the answer, stay behind, don't dare to bring her there (no specific explanations!)... But I and candy were forbidden to eat in large quantities and go to bed late to go to bed, for the child then it seemed the same forbidden fruit. And here I am running into a remote room where there is no one to plug that spark in the socket. No one, the plan succeeded. It wasn’t very childish, I still remember, honestly. But that’s not all... The backdrop blackened, the hand too, the pain, the scream, the cry, the fear... The fear is no longer from the pain, but from the thought that now they’ll see it all and I’ll get even more... the second attempt to get the spark and hide it, even more pain and scream... But the fox, they could say the truth at once... The honest word is offensive.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna