— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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To quote about "Save the Love":
You don’t live, you live. I am 39, in the far 86s fell in love with the first beauty of the institute, her friends betrayed her anathema - he needs you: a poor man, out of the commonplace, in the winter in rubber boots walks, came to Peter from the city, which you will not find on every map, you can catch up with such a guy... In the 89s married - I 19, she 21. Now I am the owner of the largest company in the Russian Federation in my industry with branches in six countries, we have six children, the eldest son of my company has already an internship. married old friends come to visit.))) When I am asked what I am doing, I always answer - just LIVE. If you can learn to live - and love will appear, and desire, and time, and relationship, and it will no longer matter how many North American rubles the car you buy...


The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna