— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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In the main, they are not those who have no brains, but those who know the difference between the salary of an engineer and a carpenter. And also those for whom it is more important to feed the family, rather than scratching their pride and the sense of self-dignity. And also those who like "physical work" more than "mental work", because the result is right before you, and the stress is less. And I write in quotes, because the separation is absolutely conditional and only the paphos debils think that the tokaru does not need to think (and does not know), and in the office only the papers are translated.
P.S Those who can’t do anything more, the “three-leggers,” also, sometimes, go to the tiles. Or, sometimes, to the ped, because you do not know how to do - go teach others. There are no bad professions, there are bad professionals.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna