— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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“Whoever is not for Spartak is for Dynamo.”

Recall the history of the USSR.
For quite a long time, a nine-year-old boy from a large city was sent to a small village to his grandmother.
It was autumn, the grandson went to a new school, and the grandmother tied him a hat, beautiful bright white and blue.
After school, the grandson came home with bluishes, the hat was not of those colors.
The grandmother gathered forces and quickly shaken the red-and-white, Spartacus, and, as it turned out, again did not guess, receiving as a disapproval of her work a grandson with a fingering under the eye.
But the grandmother did not give up and decided to dig deeper. She conducted intelligence activities, gathered information, and quickly bound her head cover in red and blue for the morning. It was over, and my grandson was no longer there.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna