— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Well, camarades, what did you make a noise, well honest motherly word. You are right a thousand times. Women get, and they get nothing at all. Either the domestic ruler will appear, or the sexist boss, or simply do not believe that a woman can do well with a technical profession (maybe judge all women by their stupid parent or underwear), or simply fear that in the middle of the project will go into a decree and so on. This is only the essence of the main claims to feminists is that instead of solving problems, they engage in hernia, and if they solve the problem, then in the most destructive and least adequate way. Just like all the boots, if you haven’t noticed it yet. For comparison, you can look at all kinds of greenwriters with pets - the same bursitis. The main methods of fighting - to attack not the enemy, but those who can not give up, to solve not those problems where the sharpness has already reached the question of life and death, but those where there is no problem at all and you can blow the flies in the elephant (unlike solving real problems - it requires much less effort), and, of course, to grasp, squeeze and report.
Apply the template according to the circumstances to any bordues when a crash occurs - the template is universal.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna