— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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My mom told me a story recently. I wanted a coconut girl.
xxx: she bought a whole coconut, pulled it home, and unable to uncover it
xxx: she thought and decided to throw him out of the window so that he would crash on the asphalt. We waited for the night so that no one was on the street.
xxx: but then she was afraid that while she was running out to the street, somebody was strangling her coconut.
xxx: she didn’t come up with anything better than writing a note "Coconut Don’t Touch". She dropped the note, then dropped the coconut and ran out to the street.
xxx: runs out - and there the guy lies unconscious. I called an ambulance, everything was done. It turned out, he went, saw a note flying from above, stopped to read - and right there he got coconut on his head and flew.
XX: In general, as a result, they got married, so together and live to this day.
And the coconut (which was not broken) was left as a reminder of the day of acquaintance.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna