— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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If everything is so sad, then what prevents courteously weighing such "guests"? But, apparently, you are not so sad as long as you tolerate. And why then dwarf?
Everything is right. In addition, from really close relatives, also obsessed with a sense of tact, just so, that is, peacefully, you will not get rid of. When our second child was born, we lived in very difficult circumstances. So when the mother-in-law began to rush to come to help (for a couple of thousand kilometers and for a long time) we refused, explaining in detail that there is no place and there is no place for her to sleep. A couple of days later, the mother-in-law was standing in front of the door with a deck under the mouse. She decided that she would sleep in the kitchen, so the problem was solved.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna