— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Alexander is
11 new topics for Cosmopolitan magazine:
1st Strings or Tango: 306 new arguments for and against
2nd New car: how to choose a plush mouse
Three Sex on the beach: how to shake the sand
4 is You and your best friend: why not?
5 is Health Secrets: Learn to Breathe
6 is Business lessons: how to profit from a husband's betrayal
7 is The washing machine: Easy Care+
8 is Still, Nietzsche or Schopenhauer: choose a name for a puppy
9 is Fashion trends of the season: what should hang on the rope from the tampon
10 is 5 places where you should not take a vibrator with you
11 is How to ride a jeep.

The Angel
Is it December number?

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna